We need you!

Foster caring forms the backbone of a rescue and rehoming service. Without foster carers we cannot take dogs in for future rehoming. Foster homes provide a more appropriate environment for learning and growth than a place like a shelter or kennel.

In a foster home, a dog is exposed to all of the same experiences they would likely get in a real home and have a chance to properly learn, socialize and interact with people and sometimes other animals as well as situations and their environment.

Each fostering experience is unique. Your foster might be an adult dog who is housetrained, socialized, and makes friends with everyone immediately. Perhaps you will take on a younger dog who needs to be housebroken and requires much exercise and attention. We might have an older dog needing a foster home, who requires some medication, or an occasional trip to a vet (we pay vet expenses). Or you might open your heart to a formerly abused dog who is very scared and may need weeks of patience and gentleness until she begins to trust for the first time in her life. The experiences are as varied as are the dogs, but we will do our best to match our incoming dogs to your family and lifestyle.

Each dog that we accept as ‘incoming’ deserves a home. We support those willing to foster by supplying dog food, free vet treatment for the foster, behavioural advice, and limitless gratitude. In return you get to be part of a process that matches a dog in need with a home that is great for him/her. As part of the fostering process we understand that you are best placed to observe the foster dogs behaviours and alert us to their needs. Your opinion counts!

Yes you will get attached to your foster dog – it would be sad if you didn’t. There is a bond formed between you and sometimes letting go can be hard. However by being a foster parent you know that you are directly helping save a dog. Every foster home equals a dog who probably otherwise would not have been rescued. You can take comfort knowing that for each dog fostered who finds a good home, that opens the door for another dog to be pulled from a bad circumstance and have the same done for them. Plus a great long-term home for the original dog has been found. So, yes, you’re going to get attached and that’s ok. Just remember, there’s nothing but upside to a foster dog finding a permanent home.

Want to foster? We will be happy to send you more information once you fill out the application form.